
We are changing for you!

We proudly present the new logo of our product line - Zenit

From now on, we have one single brand - Zenit. Within this brand we distinguish the following products:

  • Zenit Pro that is our current Zenit PRO
  • Zenit Blue Box that is our current Blue Box
  • Zenit Compact that is our current Compact
  • Zenit Direct that is our current Zenit PRO Direct
  • Zenit Diesel that is our current Zenit PRO Diesel

We sincerely hope our new logo will be welcomed by you!

Thanks to AG Centrum


The 2016/2017 volleyball season is over. We have received thanks for supporting CERRAD CZARNI RADOM - team from Radom - in the 2016/2017 season. The reward was received by Managing Director - Katarzyna Russ. We wish all volleyball players success!



We are pleased to announce Auto-Gaz Centrum Jaroslaw Zagożdżon received an important economic prize - Certificate of Business Credibility 2016. The certificate was awarded on the basis of financial data for the year 2016. American business intelligence - Bisnode D&B, a market leading business intelligence
- honors the company a reliable business.

Assess the reliability and stability of the company issued by analysts Bisnode D&B is based on:

  • analysis of payment morality according to the program Bisnode International Payment Monitor
  • analysis of financial indicators latest available financial statements
  • Poland's largest relational database of corporate and personal information.

This prestigious award is a great honor for us and also confirms our competitiveness both on the Polish and foreign markets.

Charity tournament

Wilson Family Cup

3rd June 2017 took place a charity tournament „Wilson Family Cup”. The income from the event will be spent on Krzysio Czupryn, who suffers from EB. We are grateful to all participants for coming and for financial support.

"PGE Narodowy" Stadium

The meeting with AG Centrum distributors

We are pleased to announce about the meeting with our distributors form Poland and from abroad. The meeting took place on „PGE Narodowy” Stadium in Warsaw on 7th April 2017. The best attracion was guided tour of the stadium. Stadium is really impressive – just take a look. Thank you all for coming!